Hi Guys, welcome to the first interview in my new, “Inspiring Interviews” series. I am beyond excited to introduce you to my very first interview guest, none other than Lyndsay Lamb, star and co-host of the HGTV hit series Unsellable Houses. She is co-owner of the wildly successful Pacific Northwest real estate company Lamb & Co., and has an unbelievable eye for design.
Lyndsay Lamb
A quick overview of the HGTV show Unsellable Houses: Real estate consultants and twin sisters Lyndsay Lamb & Leslie Davis work with sellers who have had their home on the market for a while and haven’t been able to sell. After visiting nearby comparables, the sisters make necessary (as well as incredible and impactful) renovations and then put the house back on the market at a new, higher price. From the time of listing, the houses usually sell in only days. The sisters are vibrant, dynamic and so knowledgeable, and the show is really fun to watch!
I am already addicted to Unsellable Houses, and so excited to share our discussion with you, including Lyndsay’s tips for creating amazing style in your own home.
Let’s get started!
Hilary: Your team sold 170 homes last year. That’s incredible! Can you tell us about yourself, about Lamb & Co., and about how you got started in real estate? I’ve read that you started Lamb & Co. in 2009. Have both you and Leslie worked together in real estate from the start, or did one of you start before the other?
Lyndsay: I started in Real Estate in 2009 coming in with a background in marketing. I started knowing the market was down and wanted to work hard to make a career while the market was struggling and knew I would succeed when the market improved. I had a great first few years, being rookie of the year and then slowly climbing into the top 5% of agents within the area.
In 2013 my son was diagnosed with cancer and my world was turned upside down. I went into survival mode with him and cared about nothing other than taking care of him. My sister, Leslie, knew how much I loved my business and knew that I would be heartbroken if the business was not there when I was ready to come back (I could not see the future… but she could see that there would be an end to my sons treatment). Leslie quickly got her license and started serving my clients while I stepped out to take care of my son. After a year of treatment my son was ready to go back to school and I was ready to go back to work. Luckily, Leslie was smart enough to keep the business running and so from that point forward we ran the business together.
Once the two of us were 100% committed to the business and working together in real estate…. we exploded. We had a HUGE year 2015, 16, 17, 18 and the rest is history!
Leslie and I own our business 50/50 and we LOVE truly LOVE working together. We are very different and it compliments each other very well. I am creative, a visionary and a doer. Leslie is an analytical, organized, spreadsheet lover.
We have always said we are People people that just happened to land in Real Estate. We are not passionate about real estate, we are passionate about People. So, from the beginning we have seen every deal as an opportunity to help someone accomplish their goal. If that is downsizing, transferring areas, buying a first home, we want to be a part of it.
Lyndsay Lamb (Left) & Leslie Davis (Right) – Photo HGTV
Hilary: That is such an amazing and beautiful story and I am so happy that your son, Miles has recovered. Thank you for sharing with us!
Before the show Unsellable Houses, did Lamb & Co. already work with clients in the same way, updating houses, staging them, and handling the sale?
Lyndsay: As for the show…. the concept was very natural to us. So in “normal” life with real estate it is very normal for us to “float” the cost of carpet, paint, landscaping, etc. for a client while they are selling and get paid back for those things when the home sells. We have always wanted our clients to know that we believe in our ability to get the most out of their property so much that we will pay for the updates until the home closes. The difference with the show is that the projects are bigger than the “normal” transaction. But, yes…. we have always done something along these lines.
Hilary: You and Leslie bring so much energy, knowledge and style to the show and it’s so much fun to watch! Can you tell us about your amazing show, Unsellable Houses on HGTV? I’ve read that you were approached by HGTV to create the show?
Lyndsay: Yes, the production company, High Noon Entertainment, approached us. They put together a pitch to HGTV and HGTV picked up the show for a pilot then immediately ordered 10 episodes for season 1. They found us through a goofy YouTube video we created and posted.
Hilary: What has been your favorite moment while filming the show? Is there a specific home design update that you were/are most excited about?
Lyndsay: Leslie and I LOVE that we get to spend so much time together while filming. When we are not filming we both work on different parts of the business so we don’t get to see each other everyday, all day. But when filming, we are with each other 10 hours a day and we love it. We both loved the industrial home which was on the season finale.
Hilary: Your sense of design and style blows my mind. It’s just fascinating to see how everything comes together and looks amazing every time! I seriously want to take all of the design elements from the houses and put them right into my own house. How do you create such perfect combinations of home decor and design elements every time? Do you naturally have an intuitive knack for knowing what will look great together?
Lyndsay: I absolutely love design and pulling together ideas for a house. I look at a home and imagine who the buyer is going to be for that home and go from there with ideas. I generally start with a good tile or flooring then pull the rest together. I start building style boards ahead of time and then go back and reference them when I think they would be a good fit for a home. I love to get inspired on other Instagram pages, magazines and walking through homes that are active on the market.
Hilary: What are the most important design elements when trying to create an interesting and beautiful space?
Lyndsay: I think lighting fixtures can change everything in a room. It makes or breaks the vibe you’re trying to create so I would say a light fixture is a huge piece to not look past.
Hilary: What advice would you give to those of us who are looking to create great style in our own home?
Lyndsay: When looking to create a great style in your own home, think of what makes you happy. Is there a place that makes you feel really happy, a sweater you put on and immediately feel special? If so, what are the colors in the sweater or at that place you love to be. Those colors in your home will also make you feel happy. For example, I am so happy in my garden and I realized that adding live plants throughout my home would also give me this same feeling. I also feel beautiful in a particular dress I own, it’s my go to if I am having a bad day. I added the same color, a burnt orange, into my design at home and it makes me feel happy all the time.
Hilary: This is great advice, I love it! Thank you.
Hilary: You and Leslie get along so well on the show, while both having such vibrant personality and style. I read on your website that you don’t argue often, and you guys seem very similar, although unique at the same time. In what ways, that we might not see on the show, are you guys different?
Lyndsay: Tons of similarities but also just as many differences. I am a total homebody, Leslie is a social butterfly. On a Friday night I love to be in my PJs on the couch, Leslie would rather go to dinner with friends. I love to have my yard and garden filled with flowers and Leslie would much rather have a very simple yard and a vegetable garden.
Hilary: Can we talk about the VW buses that you drive around on the show? They are adorable!
Lyndsay: Over the years we have owned several VW buses. Currently, my husband and I own two, named Ginger and Olive. We have had Ginger for a year and Olive for 6 months. We buy and sell them all of the time. I would not be surprised if we pick up another one in the next few months!
Both Olive and Ginger are in the show and our Blue bus (Helga) even appears in the first episode and opening credits.
Hilary: How are you handling the quarantine? Are you spending most of the time with your hubby and your son? I’ve seen some really interesting DIY ideas on your Instagram page, which is so fun for those of us at home to see!
Lyndsay: I am still working! Real Estate is still rockin n rolling. We are working from home. Leslie and I do get together (Shhhh), we just live 1 mile from each other and with my son being an only child it was VERY difficult to keep him home alone with me all day every day. We have been in quarantine for over a month now, so we decided that we would only see each other’s families through this process.
Hilary: That sounds like a fabulous way to spend the time! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I love what you’ve shared and I adore your show!
Learn More About Lindsay Lamb and Unsellable Houses
To learn more about Lyndsay Lamb, Lamb & Co. Real Estate and her wonderful show, check out the links below:
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